A new Solid attack surface against Acrobat and Foxit Editor


Picking a target to fuzz can sometimes be demotivating, especially if you want the target to be aligned with certain projects that you are working on. Sometimes your approach can be fuzzing the whole application. Other times you decide to target a specific component of the application. Sometimes those components are 3rd party, 3rd party components with an SDK. An SDK? Jackpot! 

This blog post will shed some light on a new attack surface. Solid Framework is used in popular PDF applications like Adobe Acrobat and Foxit Editor. Throughout our small research we were able to find many vulnerabilities that we reported to the respective vendors. 

What is Solid framework software development kit? 

Solid framework is constructed of a set of Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL) that contributes in parsing and converting PDF files to other formats, like Microsoft word document, Microsoft Excel Workbook, Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation, etc. It parses PDF objects and reconstruct them to their corresponding objects in other formats.  

Instead of reinventing the wheel, PDF applications such as Adobe Acrobat and Foxit Editor use Solid Framework SDK to ease the process of converting PDF files to other Microsoft file formats. 

Since there’s an SDK that we can use, isolating Solid Framework’s components and analyzing how it converts various formats is pretty much a straight forward process. That said, developing harnesses for fuzzing purposes should be easy from there.

Harnessing Solid framework software development:

The idea of harnessing is to replicate a specific feature that Solid framework SDK offers into its simplest form while preserving the same functionality. It’s also mainly used to speed up the fuzzing process. Such functionalities include but not limited to, converting PDF file to DOC, DOCX, XLS, and PPTX. 

Here’s sample code that converts a PDF file to a DOC:


The same idea applies to produce a harness for the rest of Microsoft file formats docx, xlsx and pptx.

Integrating harness to fuzzing framework

Since we have a harness to work with, we can use it for fuzzing purposes by integrating it in your fuzzing framework. If you’re new to frameworks/framework implementation here’s a sample workflow that we ended up putting together when we first started working on this project:


The fuzzing framework is composed of three main parts: Mutator, Monitor, and Logger. Once you have those properly implemented then pushing different harnesses should not be an issue.

How can this be triggered in Adobe Acrobat / Foxit Editor?

Two ways.

First through user-interaction, specifically by manually exporting the PDF file to another file format (DOC, PPT etc..):


Second way is to trigger the conversion through JavaScript. Can this be done? In Acrobat, you can do it through the saveAs JavaScript API.

Let’s take a closer look at the arguments accepted by the saveAs API:


If used, cConvID should be one of the following:


That said, we can use com.adobe.acrobat.doc to trigger the conversion code (Solid code), thus trigger vulnerabilities through JavaScript. Only caveat here is that saveAs needs to be chained with an API restrictions bypass to work.


Finding new un-touched components in an application is great. Being able to harness those components is even better, especially for fuzzing purposes.

This research yielded many bugs that were common between Solid Framework, Adobe Acrobat and Foxit Editor. It’s great to pop all of them with the same bug, right? ☺

Until next time...


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